Welcome to my blog!
My name is Andres Gallo; I am a graphic designer and web developer with an avid passion for all things related to graphics, web, and its relevant technologies. I studied at the New York City School of Technology where I met brilliant students and professors, who not only taught me what they have learned in years of experience, but who consistently encouraged me to create and develop a unique signature style. Through here I would like to share some of my experiences as a designer/developer, as well as my point of view on many of the things I discover in this marvelous field. I want this to be a journal as my style develops, changes and merges.
So let me share with you my awesome readers a bit more about myself. I love pizza, and music…seriously. There is nothing like listening to a good tune and eating a nice slice of pizza. I like to think of ideas all the time, and sometimes it is when I have a slice of pizza, when I’m getting some water, or listening to music that a completely different idea hits me. The way I see it, every idea is a good idea, and even though many ideas don’t work in the process, they lead to other ideas which do. It is this why I have this website…because I ate an awesome pizza one day.
Update – July 2012 I noticed my “about” description was somewhat outdated since having written it a few years ago. I thought I’d add this update without modifying the original. My portfolio was originally called “Andres Gallo Web Designer,” but recently renamed it to “Andres Gallo Web Developer” having gained a ton of experience doing development. Its amazing to see ones growth from experience and ever learning. With so many new emerging technologies I have a feeling this growth will remain constant. Javascript started on client side, now its on the server; perhaps it will have some relationship with pizza in the future.
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