I love cakes especially when they are homemade. One of my recent clients is starting a business doing home made pastries as well as other delicious desserts, furthermore, they have a great name for their business. They are calling their business homemade bites, and they selected me to work on their delicious logo. Their specifications called for a design that is both, cute, and clean. The specification closely reminded me of the cliche 2.0 style, however I its understood that copying trends is a bad brand identity idea. With that said, I made some sketches, in paper first, as I find doing so allows me to think better in terms of concept, furthermore once I’m happy with a concept i’m set to start creating the logo, if not a few logos.

To arrive to concept ideas, I write down keywords, and sometimes I chose to sketch as I think of things. I think most of the ideas in the following image could make a pretty logo, but only a few of the ideas fully captures the essence of the business.

Homemade Bites Sketches

It is important to always take a second look, to see what is just not going to work, and what is. The logos with the pie, are such an example…Homemade Bites does not do pizza, but it almost seems to be the case based on those logos with the pie shape. With that said there were some helpful sketches that led to this final logo.

Homemade Bites Logo

Next is their web design, which is supposed to be blog based, but needs something special so it is not just another blog.

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